Thursday, May 27, 2010

Final Day - The Circle of Life

I believe that there comes a point in every person’s life, where you realize that the most significant aspects of life transpire in one big circle. For some people, this theory might emerge as individuals begin realizing, as spectators, the reoccurrence of cultural trends, set in place by younger generations (i.e. fashion, slang words, etc.). Others might relate this idea to some book or past situation, which may have sparked an intense case of déjà vu, at such a pivotal point in their life that it is seen as some divine piece of wisdom; thus, shaping that person’s life and destiny. Just as well, for some people, this idea of life recycling meaning may never occur; and, I could be wrong. All I know is, for me, this realization began emerging the day that I arrived on this resort and embarked on my first safari.

Many of you reading this might be familiar with the story that I often tell about my 3rd grade experience. However, for those of you who are unaware, third grade marks as the most memorable and impactful stage of my childhood. I remember everything about the third grade. I went to a Christian school in Riverside, Ca. I was the happiest kid in the world at that school, mainly, because the entire year I was convinced that I was Simba from the movie, Lion King. My mom bought me the special edition VHS for Christmas, and I was hooked. I watched that movie like 500 times in a row, memorizing every song forwards and backwards; so that when it came to singing in front of classmates, teachers, random parents, etc., it was no problem at all. I was a Simba-pro with a wild and passionate imagination; and, I was thoroughly convinced that I eventually “Be a mighty king.”

Like every other kid, I had many dreams and high expectations for my own life, as a kid. I was going to be a doctor, a lawyer, a pro basketball player, a famous singer, a firefighter, and the president of the United States all at once. However, over the course of growing up, after being forced to leave my beloved Christian school, I became much less confident in my abilities, outside of sport. I had no idea who or what I wanted to be. Moreover, I tried every extracurricular sport or activity I could throughout my adolescence because I felt as if I was missing something, but I didn’t know what.

Up to this point God has allowed me to struggle a little bit, which has caused me to build on my relationship with Him in tremendous ways. From having to deal with battles within an intimate relationship with my ex-girlfriend, to difficulties in adjusting to Canadian culture and education, I have learned a lot in terms of how and why I need God in my life. Still, never in a million years did I imagine that God would go as far as to send me to Africa to encounter wild animals on a safari, in order to teach me a lesson about faith.

This past week, I have encountered wild lions, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, cheetahs, leopards, antelope, kudu, impalas, elephants, monkeys, and more. What is more, I encountered Pride Rock (you know the rock, in The Lion King, where all the animals gather around and Raffiki, first, holds Simba up to his kingdom); an experience, in which, I believe God intended as a way for me to worship Him “like a child,” and re-establish that effortless joy that I had for Him in the third grade.

The safari was more climactic of an experience than anything I could have asked from God. In witnessing the sheer power in the lions eyes and demeanour, and the lurid tremble in his roar; the graceful pace of the giraffe with its tremendous height, which allows it to feed off of the tops of trees; or, the great girth and grandeur of the elephant, I felt completely frozen and submitted to how astounding God’s Creation, truly, is. To think that all of these animals grant full acquiescence to their God-given gifts, which makes them all capable, in their own ways, of living amongst such astonishingly large and powerful beasts was, in one word, extraordinary.

(Sorry, pics were supposed to go here, but they wouldn't load for some reason. I will try again later.)

I have learned quite a bit on this trip; but, in these moments God taught me more than I could have ever anticipated. The main thing was that if I grant full submission to what He has called me to do in my life, and learn to worship Him as I, once, did as a child in third grade, there is no telling how powerful Christ can become in me; thus, sparking the becoming of a lion.

One of the greatest quotes that I have ever heard, I heard in this past week: “Rise and Rise again, until lambs become lions.” As I conclude my trip, thus, concluding my blog, I ask God to continue to shine in me; so that I may, soon, become the young lion warrior that He has called me to be. Likewise, I pray that each of you who have been reading and keeping up with this blog, have been inspired enough to seek out God’s presence and activity in your own lives. I pray that you are able to align your hearts with God’s Will, and grant full submission to what your hearts tell you. I pray that you find the strength and reason to live righteously and that in due time, through your diligence, you encounter a Revelation that will enhance your joy and change your life forever.

“It’s the Circle of life, and it moves the soul
Through despair and hope; through Faith and Love;
Until we find that mountain, on the path unwinding;
in the circle, the Circle of Life (Lion King).”


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