Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 6 - Walking With God

Up to this point, I have had nothing significant on my heart that I wished to talk about in today’s blog. Thus, I decided to use today as a time for meditation. It’s a beautiful day in Langley, B.C. There are only a few clouds in the sky, and the air is cleaner than ever. I decided to take a walk in my shorts and T-shirt just to get out of the house. I would have gone golfing with my buddies, but they had plans to go with other people already and we decided that it might have been a bit awkward if I decided to tag along. However, my walk was equally as nice.

Have you ever just walked with your eyes closed down the middle of a street? I tried it today. I could hardly get about ten steps before I felt the need to open my eyes, and check to see if there were any cars approaching, or, better yet, if I was about to run into an unsuspecting inanimate object. Eventually, it became like a game, to see just how long that I could walk before I just had to open my eyes and look to see where I was going. I think my highest amount of steps was thirteen.

I reached a park bench where I decided to just sit and think for a bit. I thought around in circles, until finally I discovered that this silly game that I was playing was much like the spiritual walk of most contemporary Christians. For a brief moment, we are able to close or eyes and fully trust in the Lord; however, once we start hearing that little voice in question, we begin to worry about what it is the Lord is doing. And, instead of just putting one foot in front of the other, and continuing are walk with God one step at a time, we open our eyes and become faithless. Thus, we constantly retreat back to step one.

I realize that I may have previously written a blog about this very topic; however, with nothing else on my heart, I felt compelled to share this story with you. I thank the Lord for such a beautiful day; for my ability to walk, for the lungs to be able to breathe and appreciate such clean air; for the mental capacity to be able to articulate this experience to you; for His words which breathed life into this magnificent Creation that we regrettably take for granted every day; I praise God! And, I pray that every day that I am able to continue adding steps, in which I have placed all my trust in Him, and that I may inspire others around me to just close their eyes and do the same.


1 comment:

  1. I've just learned to do just that in 2010 & it used to b the hardest thing in the world for me to do because I had to b in control of My life! God made it so clear to me that as long as I stand in the way of what He us trying to do with My Life I will always be stressed out and full of confusion without accomplishing anything that I've started! He planted our passions dreams visions and desires inside of our spirits and only He can fulfill them not us! He is God almighty all by Himself and He doesn't need any help being God!! Thank you for this captivating Blog I thank God for the day He gave you in the midst of His creation to be able write what you have written! Bless you Trist always
